You can see the exact interpretation of all the scores on the scale in the table below. This is another reason why we recommend a reading age of between 9 and 15 years old. The readability check is free with both the free and premium version of the plugin. It uses the Flesch score algorithm to determine the readability of the content within your site and pages. It also has a highlighter tool like readable, which shows which content could be improved. The Gunning Fog Index allows you to determine the minimum age of the reader who will understand the text.

What is website readability

By simplifying the text and making it more informative, you will get a high readability score for a good audience experience. To get an objective measure of readability, use several formulas, which are discussed below. A low readability index can be increased by rephrasing and optimizing sentences.

The parameter is influenced by many factors that can be conditionally divided into text and visual content. Readability is a property that characterizes the perception of the text by the reader. But, of course, doesn’t it depend on how long the reader will stay on the site and whether he wants to perform the targeted action. If you utilize the suggestions in the AIOSEO readability list, you can increase your readability score on WordPress in no time. Ensure your subheadings are descriptive of what your subject matter is. Using subheading tags, such as H2 and H3 makes it easier for search engines to read and understand your content.

Ways To Improve Your Readability Score On WordPress

Your readers will appreciate it and the search engines will love you for it. Well, the readability of the content helps out the SEO of the content. This tool implements a readability tool alongside some other SEO tools, to help your site/pages rank online. The tool calculates the number of keywords, performs technical SEO testing, and checks the page content for important elements to search engines.

We hope this post helped you learn how to improve your readability score in WordPress with ease. After editing your content for both SEO and readability, you get an overall score on the top of your page or post editor. Then, simply add your content to the text editor and see your AIOSEO readability score immediately.

How Texthelp Can Help You Master Readability

We will find and flag every page with poor readability, spelling or grammar. We will look out for clichés, adverbs, passive voice and buzzwords. We’ll analyse keyword density, tone and sentiment.

Paragraphs shouldn’t contain more than 4 to 5 sentences. Most readers skip the paragraphs containing more sentences. You should craft your blog post, by considering scanners and speed-readers. The paragraph should include only one small idea and contain lots of blank space.

At 25 words, sentences become difficult, and 29 words or longer, very difficult. The VERY good news about improving your content readability? Since you’re already writing the content, an awareness of readability means you can make improvements as you go along. You may have heard of Grammarly, as it is widely advertised online on platforms such as YouTube. So, it may be surprising to see this tool within this small list of readability tools.

However, this benchmark does not correlate in any way with the education and intellectual development of your audience. Also, we are not talking about using a small vocabulary and poor speech. Instead, focus on giving preference to simple, concise sentences – without unnecessary phrases and stylistic figures.

What is website readability

To check the readability of individual text and get SEO information about a page, it is convenient to use the SEO Checker tool right in the browser. When choosing a screening method, consider how detailed you want to get. For example, by inserting text into a special field, you will have access to the function of highlighting unique and stop words. However, by running the check through the URL, you will only get general statistics. Still nervous about that gobbledygook and hogwash getting into the mix?

Using this formula, a coefficient is calculated that shows how easy a text fragment is to understand. Experts believe that this particular method provides more accurate data than those described above. The SMOG Index (or McLaughlin’s formula) analyzes the number of words in a text consisting of three or more syllables.


If your content doesn’t flow nicely it can become very difficult to read. If someone finds your content too hard to read and gives up, they’ll leave your site. This tells the Google algorithm that they didn’t enjoy your site, so it won’t show it to other users. In this way, readability has a concrete impact on SEO. You can check the text or part of it for readability right in Microsoft Word. However, readability is not automatically assessed and must be enabled in conjunction with spelling and grammar checking.

Online tools and plugins also help your readability. You can apply content to many of these tools and they will score the content using algorithms. Similarly, if your images don’t flow with your content it can become difficult to read. There are many reasons why readability is important.

The 40-60% range may mean that your readers have difficulty reading the content. Below, we detail the top four readability tests to refer your web copy against. That form is certainly easier to read, and also easier to digest. The rich media icons on the left that act as bullet points interest your eye and your brain enough to pull attention away from the rest of this blog’s text.

You’ll read some people saying that you need to achieve a certain readability score for your content to be effective. Generally speaking, the higher your readability the better. If the material is intended for a wide audience, avoid narrowly focused terms, jargon, and professional terminology.

How Long Should A Sentence Be?

So, I’ve gone ahead and found the top five readability tools for website copywriting online, which incorporate the above testing methods. If something is easy to read, you’ll find more people attempting to understand it. But, if it’s difficult to read, no matter how delicious the end goal is… visitors shall flee. Grammarly – This tool acts as a plugin in your chrome to read and assess readability of your content.

Flesch Reading Ease is a service that checks the text for ease of perception. After testing, a score is given from 1 to 100, where 100 means the highest readability. A satisfactory degree of readability is in the 70–80 range, roughly the eighth-grade level. Such text will be understandable to the average user without special knowledge in your field. Plus, AIOSEO gives you pointers and ideas on how to improve your readability score on WordPress on the post editor. Of course, I wouldn’t expect everyone to have the time to learn how to action all of these readability tests themselves.

Readability Score measures Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease and the Gunning Fog Score for an unlimited block of text. measures Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease, Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level, Gunning Fog Score, and even a few more. This one too can be used to tests an entire web page or a whole block of text.

Tools For Improving Your Readability Score

It does not highlight your pages like the readable tool does. This makes it tough to help improve the readability of your pages and articles, if you don’t know which parts of content that you need to improve. Essentially, readability is about making your content as easy to understand as possible, for humans and algorithms alike. The truth is that people have different literacy levels.

When blogging, one factor that people often overlook is the readability of their content. That’s because many time-served sentence structure, grammar and spelling techniques come to life when you want to increase your readability. All of these techniques would make your writing a better read for your users.

Readability Test Tool

Even if I use the most persuasive copywriting techniques, if I’m not clear, my clients will lose leads and sales. That’s why I use Readable to match my copy with my audience’s reading level. Studies also show that sentences of 11 words are considered easy to read, while those of 21 words are fairly difficult.

This guide will help you get readers to spend more time on your website by improving the readability of your text. With ReadablePro you will be able to scan, score and continually monitor your website’s readability, spelling and grammar. You want everyone to be able to understand and enjoy your content. Beyond that, algorithms aren’t quite as smart as big tech companies would like to think they are. ’ might not be your first question when drawing up content. But this means you could be missing out on a simple, easy way to ‘tune up’ your ROI.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve got the greatest product or service in the world if no one enjoys hearing about it. Great website copywriting can land and hold customers, because you help visitors feel as if they truly understand how you’re benefiting them. Customers need to be educated easily, while enjoying the journey.

The Complete Guide To Buying Hubspot

If you don’t optimize your content to be highly readable, you may find that users will bounce off your site faster and return less frequently. At a basic level, your content should also be laid out in a visually appealing way. The thing to realise here is that people are lazy, especially on the internet. If you present users with large chunks of text, they’ll be less inclined to read it.

The readability score is an important factor that affects a site’s conversion, ranking in search engines, and effective promotion on the Internet. A good level of readability ensures that the website readability reader will correctly understand your message and will be able to grasp its essence without time and effort. All of this greatly increases the chances that the reader will become your client.